New Year's Eve parties

Created by Gillian 3 years ago

What can we say about John? We've only known John for a relatively short time (some 30 years) but what a lovely person he was. His sense of humour was dry, sardonic and so very sharp. Our lasting memories of John are of new Year's Eve parties at our house. Our supper together with other friends lasting longer as the years went by, the room filling with laughter. After supper it became traditional to play a game. A recent favourite was "Chicanery". For those who don't know it, a definition of a word is printed on a card. Team members write their own definition of the word and then one of the team reads out all the definitions including the correct one. The opposing team then have to guess the correct definition. Many, many laughs ensued as John poker faced would read out such ridiculous statements that we knew just couldn't be true only to find that John's definition was far better and  more convincing than anything printed. On another occasion we discussed dealing with unsolicited/unwanted telephone calls. How do you deal with them? we asked. "Ph" says John, "I answer in Anglo Saxon and that does the trick". He then demonstrated with such a ridiculous mouthful that it would put anyone off.

Whether it was writing, reading or politics, John would have something to say which was worth listening to. We hope he finished his book and that it will have been received with pleasure and gratitude  from his students. We will miss him! Dudley and Gillian Hunt